Do I Have to Shave My Head for a Hair Transplant?
This information was presented on our hair loss social community and discussion forums by Billena – Media Assistant for recommended hair transplant surgeon Dr. Carlos K. Wesley:
Do I have to shave my head for hair transplant surgery?
Before hair restoration surgery, patients often ask, “Do I need to shave my head?”
In Dr. Wesley’s practice, patients are not required to shave their heads for a traditional follicular unit hair transplant (strip harvest) approach. Instead, they are encouraged to wear their hair at a minimum of 3/4″ in length. However, Dr. Wesley is able to achieve an effective camouflage of sutures in the donor area in patients with even shorter hair length.
Although hair that is slightly longer in the donor area makes it easier to perform the surgical donor closure, this video demonstrates how – before (left image) and two weeks after (3 pictures on the right) – the donor area can already appear very normal. This allows patients to comfortably return to work, school, or social activities.
Media Assistant for Dr. Carlos K. Wesley
David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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Technorati Tags: hair loss, hair transplant, hair restoration, follicular unit