How Can I Minimize Scarring From Hair Transplant Surgery?
This question, asked by a member of our Hair Loss Social Community and Discussion Forums, was answered by Coalition hair restoration physician Dr. Timothy Carman:
Is there any medicine or ointment that can be used to keep the scar minimal after a hair transplant? I don’t want it to stretch. Why does it stretch? Does combing your hair stretch the scar?
The reality of scar formation from hair transplant surgery is that it is most dependent on two things which are actually out of your control. The first is how aggressive the hair restoration surgeon is in taking the donor strip. The wider the strip (taller), the more tension on the closure and the greater the chance of scar formation. The second has to do with the amount of elastin in your tissue. The more elastin, the greater the chance of scarring. The younger you are, the more elastin you have. So, one tends to see better scar results in older patients, all other factors being equal.
Vitamin E, in my opinion, is not appropriate for wound care until a few months after hair restoration surgery. Its use during the early phases of wound healing can actually interfere with the normal process and retard normal healing processes. During the immediate post-op period, (First 14 days), Bactroban or Neosporin is most appropriate. As previously mentioned, keeping physical activity to a minimum during the first few weeks after hair transplantation is recommended as well.
I am not aware of any differences in overall wound healing/scar results when dissolvable sutures are used vs non-dissolvable.
Dr. Timothy Carman
David (TakingThePlunge) Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Restoration Forum and Social Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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