How Painful is Suture Removal after Hair Transplant Surgery?
This hair loss question was posted directly to Dr. Raymond Konior of Chicago, IL, who is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians. See his professional answer below.
How much pain you feel during suture removal? Any tips one can use to minimize pain during/before the removal procedure?
Hair transplant patients with highly sensitive skin can purchase LMX Topical Anesthetic Cream and apply it over the suture line 30-45 minutes prior to the suture removal. I prefer that the area be cleaned prior to application so as to facilitate absorption into the local skin region. This cream will numb the superficial skin and make the suture removal process more comfortable.
Dr. Raymond Konior
David (TakingThePlunge)
Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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Technorati Tags: hair loss, Hair Restoration, Hair transplant, LMX Topical Anesthetic Cream
April 20, 2012 @ 7:15 am
one can also use dr. numb numbing cream after the consultation of their dr. so that any mishap can be avoided.
March 9, 2012 @ 9:07 am
Numbing cream is the good way to get relief from pain and here is one of the best numbing cream which is dr. numb cream cheap and better