Removing Scabs and Crust from Scalp after Hair Transplant Surgery
This common question, from a member of our hair loss social community and discussion forums, was answered by “SL,” a representative for Coalition hair transplant surgeon Dr. Christian Bisanga:
It has been 13 days since I had my follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant. The problem I am worried about is I am going back to work next week and the scabs on my scalp are still very much visible and haven’t come off. They seem to be very stubborn. I can’t wear a cap to the office as it would be inappropriate. Plus, I don’t want my colleagues to know I had a HT.
I went to see my hair restoration physician today and he said I should rub off the scabs. When I rub off the scabs I notice there is some hair with it too but I was informed it’s nothing to worry about. I would like to know if anyone had rubbed off the scabs and later on had a good hair growth in the transplanted area or is it better to let them fall off themselves in time?
Scabs at 13 days is often a sign of being a little too light fingered with the washing.
We recommend from day 8 the patient wash and massage the scalp when wet and massage with the weight of the fingers using the fingertips in a circular motion to break down any crusts. If performed twice daily, this will really speed up the healing process and break down the crusts and scabs. It will feel like grit coming off the scalp and this is part of the process.
If it’s the first surgery then some patients are understandably scared to massage but it really needs to be done. By day 13 you should have a pretty clean scalp, so don’t be shy but massage to speed up this process.
Hairs coming off is not an issue. It is the normal process for them to do so as you wash and the graft as such is safe. Of course, see your own clinic for their specific advice regarding washing .
All the best.
Representative for Dr. Christian Bisanga
David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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Technorati Tags: hair loss, follicular unit extraction, FUE, hair transplant, hair restoration, hair growth
December 22, 2017 @ 1:29 am
I wash or clear my all hair scabs in transplanted area on 26 day…. and when i go clinic the doctor said you should clear your scab within 12 or 15 day…so please tell me sir is it positive view to my hair or not…coz i clear my all hair scab after 25th day not in between 12 or 15 day… have i very much late to clear all scab….
December 23, 2014 @ 11:15 am
Hi, my age is 55. I have always had very fine hair and over the last 3 yrs have notice an increase in loss.
Specifically in the last three monthss.
I noticed I had scab like crusts and a few pimples since noticing this my hair loss has increased.
I asked my G.P. about this condition and he recommended selsun gold once a wk. I was intending to use a product called Nizarol(sic) but took the docs recommendation and the crusts and pimples appear to have almost gone. I have considered hair transplant previously but thought the cost prohibitive for uncertain results.
I would like to know how much is is transplanted in a single sitting and am not at all interested in those UGLY old plugs. Natuarlly you would need to examime my scalp before a diagnosis. I live in Darwin N.T. and am currntly in victoria for a few wks. I am willing to travel if it is not a total waste of time. My father was bald at 33, I have been fortunate to have lasted this long and my hair is not completley bald on top, I still have a reasonable amount but if having a procedure would need to address it now. Any info or help would be appreciated. Regards Ray Lewis