Shock Loss and Hair Growth after Hair Transplant Surgery: What to Expect
This question, from a member of our hair loss social community and discussion forums, was answered by Coalition hair transplant surgeon Dr. Glenn Charles:
I am just wondering whether any shock loss hair that is likely to come back after hair restoration surgery will regrow at the same rate as your transplanted hairs or both at the same time. I am now at 9 weeks post hair transplant and it seems like I am seeing some regrowth of my existing hair that was shed due to shock loss.
I generally tell my hair transplant patients that, if they have any shock loss of the original/native hair, some hair loss will be temporary and some will be permanent. The hairs that are very weak and unhealthy will likely be lost, But, healthier hair that falls out post operatively due to shock will grow back at the same time or sometimes a little sooner than the transplanted hairs.
When they call me and say they think they see early transplanted hair growth, I explain to them that the hairs that are growing first are likely the shocked hairs.
Dr. Glenn Charles
David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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