How do I explain the new hair after a hair transplant procedure?
When someone gets a hair transplant surgery done how do they explain to people how they have hair growing where there was none before?
Even though the transplanted hairs take only a few short months to start growing after the hair transplant surgery, the hairs grow in naturally and undetectably.
The transplanted hairs grow slowly enough that those that see you day-to-day probably aren’t going to notice. And those that don’t see you every day probably won’t be able to put their finger on what it is that is different about you. They may notice a change in your appearance and ask you if you’ve lost weight, got a hair cut, etc. but odds are that since most of the people around you don’t notice your hair loss nearly as much as you do that they won’t notice that you are “balding in reverse.” However, they will notice the positive change in both you appearance and your level of confidence.
Robert – Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog
Technorati Tags: hair transplant, hair transplant surgery, hair loss, balding