Can I Ask My Hair Transplant Surgeon for a Smaller Procedure Than Recommended?
My hair transplant surgeon is recommending me to have 1500 follicular unit grafts (I have hair loss between a 2 and 2A on the Norwood Scale). However, since that clinic is new and the only one in my area, I am a little scared and considering to ask for only 850 grafts to be transplanted. And then, if surgery is successful, I will go for the second surgery after a year.
Has anyone done anything like this? What did your doctor sacrifice – density or hairline length? Any other complications after such a choice? Why you would or wouldn’t you ask your hair restoration physician to do this?
There is nothing wrong with taking a more cautious, conservative approach. Just be aware that the placement may need to be a bit higher and the density will be lower so don’t expect miracles. In addition, I would seriously consider the fact that the hair transplant surgeon is new and you should realize that you are, in essence, a guinea pig. Every doctor has to start out new at some point and there is nothing wrong with that, but you have to ask yourself if you want to put yourself in that position.
If you haven’t already, ask the following questions…
1. Who trained him?
2. What method is he using?
3. If follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS), is it single blade or mult-blade?
4. If follicular unit extraction (FUE) is it robotic, manual or motorized punch?
5. What size punch if FUE?
6. Who will be doing placement of grafts?
7. Who will be doing extraction of grafts?
This only scratches the surface, and you may have asked these questions, but it should be mentioned just the same.
(formerly known as “Jotronic”)
The Hair Transplant Mentor™
David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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Technorati Tags: hair transplant, follicular unit, hair loss, Norwood Scale, hair restoration, follicular unit strip surgery, FUSS, follicular unit extraction, FUE