Is It Safe to Take Antibiotics after a Hair Transplant?
The following thorough response to a question from the Hair Restoration Social Community and Discussion Forums, was written by forum member “Gillenator”.
It’s been 4 months since my hair transplant. Tomorrow I will have to take a one dose antibiotic pill as a precaution after getting dermal fillers. I don’t know exactly what antibiotic it is. Is one pill a risk for my grafts?
Roughly a decade or so ago, almost all hair restoration physicians prescribed antibiotics for their upcoming hair transplants. I believe this practice was simply a precautionary measure for potential infections. Yet infections are not very common for this type of surgery so, in essence, many practitioners ceased the use of them.
I also think that in the past decade the medical community began to see some clinical evidence of resistance to some antibiotics. So the prescribing of them began to be more scrutinized in the interest of the general population.
Keflex was probably the most used for hair restoration surgery. Yet over the past four decades I have not heard of any negative impact or trend that suggested that antibiotics in general have a negative impact on hair growth after the procedure.
The bottom line? Follow the advice of your doctor who is treating you for any condition or procedure that he/she is performing.
Supporting Hair Restoration Physicians: Dr. Glenn Charles, Boca Raton, FL – Dr. Jerry Cooley, Charlotte, NC – Dr. Jim Harris, Denver, CO – Dr. Robert True & Dr. Robert Dorin, New York, NY
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
Technorati Tags: hair transplant, antibiotic, hair transplants, Keflex, hair restoration, hair growth