Can I Use Toppik After A Hair Transplant?
I was wondering if I could use Toppik after a Hair Transplant? If so how long do I have to wait?
There are a variety of “cover up” products like Toppik that are applied to the scalp to conceal balding or thinning areas. These products increase the appearance of fullness and create an “illusion” of density. Products like Toppik and DermMatch can enhance a hair transplant and increase visual density. However, patients shouldn’t rush to sprinkle Toppik or dab on DermMatch so quickly, because the grafts need to be given time to anchor in to the scalp and the incision sites need to heal first.
According to a study published by Dr. Robert Bernstein, member of the Independent Coalition of Hair Restoration Physicians, follicular unit grafts anchor in to the body by day six however, pulling on an adherent scab could result in a lost graft until day 8 following a hair restoration procedure. Therefore, patients should be very careful not to apply “cover up” products such as Toppik or DermMatch to early because these products require shampoo and vigorous scrubbing to come off, scrubbing may damage or dislodge a healing graft.
Generally, patients can begin applying “cover up” products such as Toppik and DermMatch once all of the transplanted grafts have shed. Most patients begin to shed their transplanted grafts around the 3rd to 4th week following surgery. During this time patients may experience some minor telogen effluvium or shock loss. Products like Toppik and DermMatch can certainly help mitigate the effects shock loss and provide the patient with a boost in visual density and fullness.
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Melvin- Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator Follow our Social Media Instagram @hairtransplantnetwork1 Facebook, Pintrest, Linkedin and YouTube.