Hair Transplant Failures: The Importance of Research and Physician Selection
Having been involved as a patient member of the Hair Transplant Network community for 3 1/2 years, I’ve read a multitude of hair transplant experiences and seen a magnitude of hair transplant photos. Though many (including myself) will rave about how far hair transplantation has come for balding men and women, hair transplant failure cases are very disheartening. But why would a hair transplant fail? Aren’t they guaranteed?
Seeing sub-par hair restoration results or failure cases is what drives me daily to help hair loss patients find hair transplant surgeons that consistently perform state of the art hair replacement surgery. I can’t emphasize enough just how important is physician selection.
Ironically, “experience” doesn’t necessarily mean that a physician is using state of the art hair replacement techniques. Unfortunately, many continue to use minigrafting or even old hair plugs, creating an unnatural look. Some hair surgeons continue to use multi-blade (3 blades or more) knives to remove the donor hair causing hair transection and inevitably reducing the amount of “usable” donor hair.
As a patient myself, I can’t emphasize enough: do your research! Speak with, meet with, and view patient hair transplant photos online. Educate yourself on all the up-to-date hair transplant techniques and KNOW the difference between a high quality and low quality hair replacement surgery. Only then should you select a hair restoration physician that will help you best treat your hair loss.
For an example of a hair transplant failure case, see Dr. Rassman’s Balding Blog Article on this issue by clicking here.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Forum
View my Hair Loss Weblog
Technorati Tags: hair transplant, hair transplantation, balding, hair transplant failure, hair restoration, hair replacement, hair surgeon, donor hair, hair transection, hair transplant photos, hair loss
July 20, 2010 @ 12:14 am
I suggest you carefully research any hair transplant clinic before making a final decision.
At present, the only hair restoration physician in India recommended by the Hair Transplant Network is Dr. Pathuri Madhu of Hyderabad. You can view his bio and contact information here:
I realize that this is quite a distance from Delhi. However, when choosing your hair transplant doctor, cost and location should not be your primary consideration.
For more information and further research, I suggest you visit our hair restoration forum and social network at the following link:
Best of luck!
David (TakingThePlunge)
July 19, 2010 @ 4:02 am
I have decided to go for a transplant with DHI Delhi.
please suggest me if they are the best in India?