Does Alcohol Consumption Affect Hair Transplant Growth?
This question, asked by a member of our Hair Loss Social Community and Discussion Forums, was answered by Coalition hair transplant surgeon Dr. Glenn Charles:
If you drink too much alcohol 3 weeks post-op will that affect your hair growth? After drinking too much tequila I threw up and had a hang over! Also, 1 month after my hair restoration I started taking diet pills for working out. It boosts your heart like caffeine so you get more sweat when doing cardio. Is that gonna affect my hair transplant growth?
Alcohol used in moderation should not have much of an effect on the growth of your hair transplant. However, I would be very careful with the use of diet pills. They commonly have side effects and are very difficult to monitor. I suggest you only use them under the guidance of a physician. Try to lose weight the correct way by eating more frequent and smaller meals high in protein to keep metabolism higher and exercise as much as possible. Also, drinking lots of water is beneficial.
Dr. Glenn Charles
David (TakingThePlunge) Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Restoration Forum and Social Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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