Are Hair Transplants Affordable?
Balding men and women considering surgical hair restoration as an option are often concerned about the costs associated with this procedure. Anyone who watches late-night television infomercials is probably familiar with how chain hair restoration clinics liken the accessibility of surgical hair restoration to that of lasik eye surgery or teeth whitening. While it may seem laughable to compare a $15,000 hair transplant to a $250 teeth whitening, the reality is that hair transplant surgery, along with many other cosmetic procedures, is becoming as commonplace as orthodontia in many parts of the world.
So how does the “average guy” (or gal) afford such a costly, elective procedure, especially in a stretched economy?
In his post, Hair Transplant Surgery: Only For The Weathy??, forum member “thunderball” challenges the notion that surgical hair restoration can be obtained on a middle class income. What do you think? Follow the link to voice your opinion.
David – aka TakingThePlunge
Assistant Publisher and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum
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