This hair loss question was answered by Dr. Timothy Carman of La Jolla, CA who is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians. His professional answer is below.

I’m 20 years old and I want my hairline back to how it was when I was 14. I’m tired of having to style my hair in a way that artificially makes my hairline look straight. I have a history of balding in my family but I don’t care if I run out of grafts to deal with future hair loss. I’ll wear a hair system or take my chances with the possibility of new treatments. I plan on being on Propecia, Rogaine, and topical Spiro for life, so I doubt I’d progress far anyway. Are there any hair transplant doctors willing to do this?

Given your age, and your family history of balding, I personally would not perform hair transplant surgery in your case. While you indeed feel that you “won’t care” as it were to “wear a hair system” or you’ll “take your chances” later on down the road, I feel quite strongly that one of my roles as a hair restoration physician is to first and foremost “do no harm.” While it is not a good feeling to lose one’s hair, there is one situation that feels far worse and that’s being in your thirties or forties with a hair transplant that was poorly planned and feeling as though you have to hide under a hat forever. I feel it is my responsibility NOT to contribute to that scenario.

I would recommend Propecia (finasteride) and/or Rogaine (minoxidil) at this time only.

Dr. Timothy Carmen


David – aka TakingThePlunge
Assistant Publisher and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum
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David aka - TakingthePlunge

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