I just had a hair transplant 21 days ago, today I decided to wash my hair with regular shampoo, but I noticed all of my grafts falling out. Did I ruin my hair transplant by shampooing my hair?

For the first 7-10 days most hair transplant surgeons ask that you use baby shampoo, because baby shampoo is less harsh on the delicate grafts. However, after two weeks the majority of surgeons allow their patients to return to their normal schedule/routine. This includes showering normally and using their normal shampoo. The only restrictions surgeons have

Having a hair transplant can be stressful, but the hair grafts shedding are a normal part of the hair transplant process. Contrary to popular belief hair shedding does not mean a person has lost their transplanted grafts. In fact, everyone sheds around 100 hairs per day, the fact that a persons hair is shedding does not mean they are losing their hair.

There are three phases to a hair follicles life cycle.  The three phases are:

*Anagen (growth phase)

*Catagen (transitional phase)

*Telogen (resting phase)

It is important to remember that each hair follicle is independent and goes through the anagen (growth), catagen(transitional) and telogen (resting) phase at different times. Therefore, some patients may experience some of the follicular unit grafts shedding faster than others, this is a normal part of the surgical hair restoration process.

Sadly, the majority of individuals shed their transplanted hair around the fourth to sixth week following surgery. It is completely normal to feel anxious and disappointed, but hair shedding is a part of the process. It is important to remember that hair transplantation is a process of recovery, shedding, growth and maturation. While being cautious can be a good thing, it can also cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. At 21 days shedding the transplanted grafts is a normal part of the process.

Written and published by,
Melvin- Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network and The Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians


Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network and The Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physician

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