How do I choose a hair transplant doctor?

This is probably one of the most important questions to answer once you determine that you are most likely a good candidate for a hair transplant. Of course, it is the hair transplant doctor who should ultimately determine whether or not you are a good candidate and the best course of action.   However, how do you select a hair transplant doctor that you can trust?

The key to anything is research and education.   Make educated and informed decisions based on knowledge and experience rather than gut and emotion. So how do you start your research…that is indeed a good question.

The internet is your best source of information that you can find and use, but be careful in your searches.   Not everything you read is true.   So first…here a few cautions:

Be careful of marketing tactics  and scams  that are obvious to some and not to others. Marketing tactics and scams  include:

  1. Over generalizations on very specific items
  2. Over-use of glowing positive words like “natural”, “easy”, “satisfaction” and “guaranteed”.
  3. Before/after photos that are:
              a. Small and/or blurry
              b. Taken from different angles
              c. Taken in different lighting or surroundings (Camera flash plays an important role in trick photography…results can look better or worse depending on angling and use of the flash)

These marketing tactics and scamsare not limited to the internet.   They are all over magazines, newspapers, and your Television.   Don’t believe everything you read/hear.   Do your own research.

The Hair Transplant Network  , the  Hair Loss Learning Center, and our Hair Restoration Discussion forum  are great resources to begin your research.

Here are some additional tips to help you with your research and encourage you in your hair restoration journey:

1. I strongly encourage you to get involved in our hair restoration discussion forum. Post your questions that you have, read the responses and get to know people. You will not only learn something, but you’ll realize that you are not alone. This makes it much easier to go through.

2. The more you learn, the better off you will be. When you are finally ready to consider selecting a hair transplant doctor, I highly recommend selecting one of our recommended hair transplant doctors which can be located on the Hair Transplant Network.

3. It is BEST, to do at least 3 consultations with doctors you feel comfortable with. The way you become comfortable with these doctors before you consult with them is by researching them first. Once you narrow it down to a few top hair restoration clinics, choosing becomes a very subjective process. Choose the doctor that you feel suits you best. The links I’ve provided above  will give you a LOT of information on these doctors. The hair restoration discussion forums are a HUGE benefit because the posts come from REAL patients posting REAL results. It’s best to follow those who are posting monthly updates and providing detailed accounts of their experience.

Your feedback is welcome.

Associate Publisher of the  Hair Transplant Network  and the  Hair Loss Learning Center
View  my Hair Loss Weblog

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Bill successfully restored his hair with three hair transplantation procedures. He is now the Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant and the Hair Loss Learning

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