Common Hair Loss Myths Taken From
Some common hair loss myths taken from
1. Dandruff does not contribute to hair loss
Dandruff is caused by a fungus known as malazzesia globosa. This fungus is commonly found floating in the air which is why dandruff can be treated, but not cured. In addition to the scaling which characterizes dandruff, the condition also can lead to hair loss.
Studies have shown that with only 90 minutes of continuous scratching by the fingernails, it is possible to remove all of the cuticular scale, a protective covering on individual hairs, off of a hair shaft. This loss leaves the hair shaft weakened and permanently damaged, making it easily susceptible to breakage and hair loss.
The most effective dandruff shampoos and conditioners contain zinc pyrithione,” advised Dr. Draelos. These ingredients leave behind thin plate-like pieces of medicine on the scalp to prevent regrowth of the fungus, thus acting as a preventive measure for both dandruff and the hair loss associated with scratching.
2. Prescription shampoos treat scalp diseases, but also damage hair.
The two most common scalp diseases are dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis, which is characterized by both redness and scaling. People often view products that treat these conditions as harsh and medicinal, explained Dr. Draelos. These misconceptions have led many people to choose to live with the scalp itching rather than treat it with what they fear are harmful chemicals.
Technological advances now allow prescription shampoos to have the necessary medication to treat dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis while also containing the same mild cleansers found in cosmetic shampoos. These potent prescription antifungals remain on the scalp, preventing reoccurrence and ultimately helping keep hair healthy said Dr. Draelos.
3. As hair turns gray, permanent waves and color treatments should be stronger.
As people age, they lose melanin, the pigment that gives the hair color. To retain a youthful look, many people dye their hair. Hair dye interacts with the melanin already present in hair to produce the final hair color, but gray hair is less likely to dye as dark as hair that contains more melanin. Also, as hair ages, the hair shaft becomes finer, and thinner hair shafts are more susceptible to chemical damage from permanent waves and coloring.
Hair growth slows with age, meaning the same hair is often chemically treated multiple times. The more the hair is treated, the more damage is done and the more chance for hair breakage, stated Dr. Draelos. As hair ages, perming and coloring solutions should be weaker and be left in contact with the hair for as short a period as possible.
4. Blow drying hair with heat gives the hair body.
Blow drying hair is a common morning ritual for many people. While it is a quick, convenient way to dry and style hair, blow drying damages hair as the high heat from a blow dryer can actually boil the water in the hair shaft leaving it brittle. In addition, vigorous towel rubbing or combing of wet hair also can cause hair loss, since wet hair is more elastic and more vulnerable to breakage than dry hair.
Rather than blow dry, the hair should be allowed to air dry, with styling and combing occurring once the hair is partially dry, recommended Dr. Draelos. This will provide excellent body with less opportunity for hair shaft damage.
Pat Hennessey,
Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network and the Hair Loss Learning Center.
Technorati Tags: hair loss, Dandruff, hair color, Hair dye, Hair growth