Complications Associated with Hair Transplant Surgery
This question comes from a member of our Hair Loss Social Community and Discussion Forums:
I’m looking to undergo a follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedure, and I’m wondering what type of post-operative complications can occur with hair transplant surgery?
While hair transplantation is considered a minimally invasive and low-risk procedure, all surgeries carry some probability of complication (both during the surgery and during the post-operative, recovery period).
In my opinion, the two biggest complications, specifically post-operative complications, associated with surgical hair restoration include the rare possibility of infection and unanticipated scarring. Most hair transplant surgeons utilize a combination of operative and recovery period antibiotics to highly reduce chances of infection, and scarring is a very subjective process that varies depending on physician skill and an individual’s physiology.
Furthermore, according to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) some of the possible complications associated with hair transplantation include: “post-operative infection, excessive bleeding, and delayed healing.”
Blake Bloxham – formerly “Future_HT_Doc”
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum
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Technorati Tags: Hair Loss, follicular unit transplantation, FUT, hair transplant surgery, hair transplantation, hair restoration, hair transplant surgeons, International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, ISHRS