Did My FUE Hair Transplant Surgeon Over Harvest My Donor Area?
The following hair transplant question was answered by recommended hair restoration surgeon Dr. Tejinder Bhatti:
I got a follicular unit excision (formerly follicular unit extraction) (FUE) hair transplant of 1500 grafts done. The donor area patch is off-centered and visible after day 11. Will this patch cover up? Will I be able to keep the current length hairstyle or no? Was the harvesting done properly? Please help!
You are not technically dealing with scar tissue quite yet, as the collagen over-expression takes about four weeks or longer to cross over into scar formation territory. Based on the density that appears to be in your donor region, outside of the FUE extraction zone, I believe this to be a combination of shock loss and potential over harvesting.
The approach could have been better but I believe the donor will recover to some degree.
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator