This question, from a member of our hair loss social community and discussion forums, was answered by Coalition hair transplant surgeon Dr. Glenn Charles:
I had a hair restoration surgery of like 3800 grafts, of which so many were 2 hair 3 hair grafts, etc. Does the number of hairs in grafted follicles stay the same or can it change? I had many that were up to 5 hairs so I would like to think that the number of hairs would stay the same or not vary too much.
As a side question, I am 3 1/3 weeks out and have been wearing hats or bandanas to work with a “bad haircut” excuse. Should I give it up & just let folks know as it will get worse before it gets better or just hang in there?
Last question, I have enjoyed seeing my new hair growth. It seems like the last few days it has slowed down, especially near the front. Is that a prelude to them shedding?
Often, the transplanted hairs do grow a little bit before they shed. Do not be to disappointed if this happens. The hair loss from shedding is temporary.
Whether or not you should let your co-workers know you had a hair transplant is really a matter of how comfortable you will be if they know. Did you have to shave your head for the procedure? Did you have any post operative shock loss?
Dr. Glenn Charles
David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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Technorati Tags: hair restoration, hair growth, follicular unit, hair loss, hair transplant
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