Referring to hair loss, does anybody know how long a hair follicle remains in “sleep” mode before it permanently dies? I am asking this to see if applying minoxidil makes any sense in the event the follicles are already dead. Is there anyway a hair restorationphysician can see if they are in sleeping phase or gone forever.
In my research and experience, I have read two contradictory responses to this question.
The first response is that the miniaturizing hair follicle will completely diminish/die over a period of time. At what point the hair completely dies in this argument is unknown to me.
The second response to this question is that a hair follicle never fully dies but only miniaturizes. The hair follicle can remain above or below the skin surface. The hair above the surface can be seen in the form of “peach fuzz”).
If the former is true, regrowing a nonexistant follicle will not be possible with any hair loss medication. The only solutions at this point would be a hair transplant or maybe in the future: hair multiplication/hair regeneration. This is because nothing short of a transplanted hair or derma papilla cell (the cell responsible for hair growth) can create a follicle.
If the latter is true, the hope to regrow these hairs with a “cure” of sorts remains. Therefore there is a chance that hair loss medication such as Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxodil) may always work though it is admitted that the further a hair is miniaturized, the less likely chance that hair regrowth will occur. Hair transplantation would still be an option and maybe in the future, hair multiplication/hair regeneration.
I believe however, that the hair follicle does eventually die (though it may still be alive under the skin for some time even if you don’t see the hair) however, the hair bulb that gives life to the follicle can last a long time even after the death of the follicle itself. Researchers are still coming up with new ways to combat hair loss and regrow hair.
Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network and the Hair Loss Learning Center
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Technorati Tags: hair loss, hair follicle, hair restoration, peach fuzz, hair multiplication, hair regeneration, transplanted hair, derma papilla cell, hair growth, hair loss medication, Propecia, finasteride, Rogaine, minoxodil, hair regrow, Hair transplantation, hair bulb, regrow hair
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