Do Scalp Laxity Exercises Really Help Maximize Hair Transplant Session Sizes?
With advancements in ultra-refined follicular unit hair transplantation over the past 15 years, patients have come to expect more from a single hair restoration procedure. Today’s mega-sessions have the potential to place 4,000+ follicular unit grafts in a single day when appropriate for the patient. However, one of the limitations a patient with significant balding faces when considering such a large session is scalp laxity. After all, as the size of the planned session grows, so does the size of the strip extracted from the donor site.
So, what do you do if your scalp is too tight? Introduced by mega-session pioneers Hasson & Wong, (and presented by forum member and H&W representative “Jotronic” in this discussion thread) scalp stretching exercises are now recommended by most hair transplant surgeons performing larger sessions. But, do they really work and to what degree?
In hopes of answering these and other questions, forum member “gmonasco” started the thread How effective are scalp laxity exercises? You are encouraged to share your experiences and opinions.
David – aka TakingThePlunge
Assistant Publisher and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum
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Technorati Tags: follicular unit, hair transplantation, hair restoration, balding, hair transplant, Hair Loss