Does New Hair Growth Harden and Soften after Hair Transplant Surgery?
The following response, posted on our Hair Loss Social Community and Discussion Forums was written by recommended hair restoration surgeon Dr. Tejinder Bhatti:
Hey so both times after my hair transplants, I remember around day 7, I stroked the little hairs in the recipient area and they felt like bristles. After drinking pretty hard on the night of day 10, I noticed the next day that they softened. I assume this means that circulation has been established for the new follicles.
And then I wonder if binge drinking that night helped establish that, or was it just coincidence? Hmmmm… I had a massive headache the day after as a result of the drinking, and actually ended up throwing up later that day in a parking lot. Could this be the solution!? lol

Because the length is increased it will not feel as stiff. You may also begin to notice how the hair or hairs will begin to point in difference directions. This too is because of the migration of the hair shaft out of the tissue right before they fall out completely before they slumber for the next couple of months.
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
Technorati Tags: hair restoration, hair transplants, follicular units