1. David aka - TakingthePlunge
    May 28, 2013 @ 1:23 am


    There are some specifics missing from your question. However, it’s customary to wait until the morning after the procedure for the first hair wash. Some clinics will perform this service for the patient but it can also be done safely in the home.

    While it’s best to follow your hair restoration surgeon’s specific aftercare regimen, in general, you should avoid applying direct water pressure to the hair transplant recipient area for at least the first 4 days. Instead, you should mix warm water and shampoo in a cup and gently pour it over the grafts several times. During this time, you should also take care to gently but thoroughly clean the area around the donor scar.

    By day 5 it is normally safe to allow direct spray from the shower head to contact your head. At this time you can very gently touch the recipient area with your fingertips and the lathered water but you should avoid any massaging action.

    Many hair transplant surgeons advise massaging off the scabs in the shower beginning around day 7 using a gentle, circular motion with the fingertips. It is important not to pick them off. Avoid using fingernails to remove scabs.

    It sounds to me as if you may have applied full water pressure to your head immediately after surgery, which may have dislodged some grafts. But, since you have not mentioned any bleeding occurring, this may not be the case. It is quite normal and expected for hair follicles to fall out of the newly transplanted grafts. This does not reflect permanent hair loss and they will soon be replaced with new hair growth.

    Of most concern to me (if I’m interpreting it correctly) is that you seem to have quit washing your head completely for the next two weeks. It is important to clean all the blood from around the donor area and to keep it clean. Additionally, the recipient area must be kept clean and free of scabs in order to ensure maximum graft survival and reduce the likelihood of infection.

    Given that I don’t know the degree of hair loss you started with, the number of grafts you had transplanted and I don’t have the pre and post-operative photos for comparison, I cannot comment on your results. But, since you are already one year post-op, I would not expect you to see any significant increase in density. I recommend that you contact your surgeon and discuss your concerns. Your doctor is best suited to evaluating the outcome of your procedure and can advise you on how to proceed. If you do not agree with his assessment or simply want a second opinion, you can always consult with one of the pre-screened, quality hair restoration surgeons we recommend.

    Best of luck!

  2. paul
    May 27, 2013 @ 3:09 am

    I had my Hair Transplant done on May 2012 and after surgery when they asked me to take shower i did and even though i did not touch my scalp loads of hair fell off from the graft so i stopped taking head shower for the following two weeks and then the blood and the betadine solution got very rock like on my scalp and when trying to clean my scalp after 13 days post op nearly all the transplanted hairs came along with the scab.can anyone plz advice did i take my the follicles off . now my hair is growing buy still very scarcely . they did a loads of hair in the frontal area but it is not thick ??/? please kindly advice and i discontinued using minoxidil after 6 months and just started using again a week ago,do u guys think i will still have growth and because of all this i started to drink n smoke after 6 ts after surgery and now i have stopped again…. please advice

  3. David aka - TakingthePlunge
    October 2, 2012 @ 3:41 am


    Questions asked on the Q&A Blog are answered by site moderators and not the doctors that may have written the article.

    There is a potential for harming the grafts when applying minoxidil too soon after surgery. But, then again, doctors vary widely in their advice from 4 days to two weeks. The bottom line is that there is really no hard and fast rule that can be applied in all situations.

    While it’s probably not a good idea, given that you did not witness any bleeding or lost grafts, I’d venture to say that you’ll be fine but only time will tell All you can do now is wait.

    I wish I had more definitive information for you but I really don’t think anyone can tell at this point.

    Good luck and please keep me posted on your progress.


  4. Doug
    September 30, 2012 @ 9:32 am

    I think I’m in trouble then. Had a 4190 hair-transplant about three weeks ago, and my doc advised using propecia and minoxidil. He didn’t tell me WHEN to start using it, and I happened to have some Kirkland minoxidil I’d used in the past in the cupboard. I started the next day; my head was numb, and I felt no discomfort. There was no bleeding or graft loss that I could see, and I stopped using it at day 4-5 and continued on the propecia because I’ve never really had much luck with minoxodil and find it kind of sloppy. The transplanted hair shed within two weeks. Now I’m in a panic, on week 3, wondering if I’ve damaged/destroyed the grafts. Can’t find any information on the web of anyone doing this. Doc, can you give me some info? I spoke with one of the surgical techs who said the dr. should have told me to wait 3-4 days before applying it, but she didn’t think it would be an issue (however, she didn’t sound that convinced). After spending the money I did and it loking so great when I walked out of the office after 12 hours of surgery, I’m freaking out. Waiting three-four months to see results is bad enough, but now this is adding on to it.

  5. Abe
    July 9, 2012 @ 8:45 pm

    I have lost my eyebrows due to scarring alopecia and had a hair transplant 2 weeks ago on my eyebrows. Since this form of alopecia is associated with low graft acceptance, I asked my doctor if he suggests that I use rogaine after the procedure. He said not to use it due to the irritants found in the formula. I asked him if I can use the foam rogaine since it does not contain propylene glycol (the irritant) and he said “I don’t want to persuade you not to use it, but if you do choose to use it….don’t start till week 3 after the procedure”

  6. David aka - TakingthePlunge
    March 2, 2012 @ 4:57 am


    Your hair restoration surgeon will likely request that you discontinue application of Rogaine (minoxidil) a few weeks to a few days prior to surgery. Check with your doctor for his or her recommendation.

    Normally, patients are advised not to begin reapplying minoxidil until at least two weeks post-op. Again, your doctor will tell you when this is appropriate.

    Rogaine is not necessary to maintain transplanted hair growth. However, if you are applying it to other areas of thinning hair, you will need to continue using it for life in order to maintain the benefits. Should you permanently discontinue use, you will experience what is known as “catch-up” hair loss.


  7. Nisreen
    March 1, 2012 @ 2:17 am

    Hi, I am 36 years old femail , experienced her loss since I was 18 years old and did a lot of check ups for hormones all showing normal, most dr related my hair loss to be genetic, I finally decided to go for hair transplant but already started use of rogain 5% since 4 months , I realized increase in my hair growth but is ok to do so and going for hair transplant too? Then is it true that I will have to use regain life time? This will not be convenient at all! Thanks

  8. Tony aka - Youngsuccess
    March 5, 2010 @ 9:52 pm


    Once you start using Minoxidil, you must remain committed to daily application in order to maintain any benefits.

    Sometimes it’s recommended to patients who wish to speed up the growth rate of transplanted hair, in which case long-term use might not be necessary, but I would check with your doctor about the specifics. Misuse of Rogaine can be irritating to a healing scalp immediately following a hair transplant.


    Anthony (youngsuccess)

  9. alireza salehi
    March 5, 2010 @ 4:21 am

    hello dr:

    my dr suggest use Minoxidil 5% for 8 monnth after hair restoration surgery, i have multiple hair transplants , i strat it 10 days after transplant
    i use Minoxidil 5% all situations my head ( front & back) my dr suggest about it, i want know is it true?
    for 8 month? & all part head? do you accept it?
    when i cut use Minoxidil i have hair loss again?
    thanks for reply me dr
    with best regards

  10. Mr HairToday
    September 16, 2008 @ 4:00 pm


    Thank you for an incredibly informative site. I have experienced hair loss at a fairly young age and have tried various methods and products over the last few years. I have written a detailed article on my experiences and successes with these products (including Rogaine) as well as alternative options that I’ve considered using. I’m having great success with my current approach.

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