Only hair restoration physicians with an outstanding reputation for producing the best results are approved for recommendation on the Hair Transplant Network. In this article, we are pleased to announce that Dr. Patrick Mwamba of Brussels, Belgium has been approved for recommendation by our online hair loss community. To learn how we prescreen and recommend hair transplant surgeons, click here.

Dr. Mwamba has a background in general surgery and worked with several leading surgeons including Coalition members Dr. Paul Rose and Dr. Jean Devroye. In 2006, Dr. Mwamba opened up his own clinic “World Hair Transplant Center” where he performs exclusive, state of the art hair transplantation.

Dr. Patrick Mwamba, his technique and results were carefully reviewed by our patient community. Visit the “Potential Recommendation of Dr. Patrick Mwamba of Brussels, Belgium” to see what our members are saying.

After careful consideration in evaluating his technique and receiving positive feedback from patients and quality physicians, we are excited to announce that Dr. Patrick Mwamba has been approved for recommendation on the Hair Transplant Network. You are encouraged to congratulate and welcome Dr. Mwamba to our community by visiting his potential recommendation forum topic above.

For those interested in state of the art surgical hair restoration in Belgium and beyond, you are encouraged to consider Dr. Mwamba for your next hair transplant procedure. To view his recommendation profile, click here.

Onwards and Upwards,

Pat, Bill, Dave and Blake – The Hair Restoration Team for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog and the Hair Restoration Forum and Social Community


David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
To share ideas with other hair loss sufferers visit the hair loss forum and social community

Get Proven Treatments at the Best Prices by visiting our new online hair loss treatment shop.

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David aka - TakingthePlunge

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