Eliminating Hair Transplant Scars?
A hair restoration physician told me that he invented a procedure a year and a half ago for removing scars that he invented and he expects it will be the wave of the future for how scars will be done from now on. Does this sound right?
This insightful article was written by Dr. William Lindsey of Reston, VA who is one of our recommended hair restoration physicians.
Be cautious of folks who have “invented” some new technique that will revolutionize hair transplant scars. There are literally thousands of general and facial plastic surgeons who daily want to avoid significant scarring at almost any cost. Do you really think if someone invented something a year and a half ago that solved all scar problems that it wouldn’t make headlines and we’d all be doing it?
The best prevention is selecting a hair transplant surgeon who has a track record of creating good scars. Note that I am not saying “guarantees” or “no scars”. Even the best suturer will have some scars that just aren’t so good. Remember people are like chemistry or cooking recipes, not exact math. Meaning that 2 plus 2 is always 4, but if you do chemistry or cooking in one location and replicate it elsewhere, you should get similar results but there will be variations in outcome even with the same ingredients.
William Lindsey, M.D.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher/Editor
Technorati Tags: hair restoration, hair transplant, hair transplant surgeon
August 30, 2009 @ 9:47 pm
Home remedies like olive oil massage on the scalp helps in making your hair stronger so that they don’t get fall. You can also rub mayonnaise to stop hair fall. However the effectiveness of these home remedies is still in question.