Hair Loss Myths Exposed and Busted!
Even before the contradictory information found on the internet, old wives’ tales made it difficult to determine fact from fiction. Below you will find several statements about hair loss and hair transplant surgery. Can you determine which ones are true and which ones are false? Help us expose the false statements by becoming a hair loss myth buster.
Wearing a Hat Causes Hair Loss! This is an old wives’ tale originating from the false belief that wearing a hat will prevent your hair follicles from “breathing” and thus cause you to go bald. So wear a hat as much as you’d like free from fear that your precious follicles will be suffocated.
MSN Promotes Early Transplanted Hair Growth! Nobody likes to wait for their newly transplanted hair to grow in. But unfortunately, though MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) may help your natural hair grow faster, it won’t speed up the couple month resting period transplanted hair goes through before it starts to grow.
Masturbation Causes you to go Bald! This lie is often presented to young teenage men in an attempt to keep their hormones under control. But there is no scientific evidence to suggest that a sexual release or any brief increase in testosterone that this may cause can contribute to hair loss in any way.
An Unhealthy Lifestyle Can Contribute to Hair Loss! This particular statement is general enough that we have to declare it true. A good rule of thumb for healthy living is, “if you take care of the inside of your body, the outside will take care of itself“. In extreme cases of malnutrition, drug use, and anything that causes your body to take a severe beating, non-genetic balding may result. But eating junk food, smoking, and drinking in moderation as the average American does have not been linked to causing hair loss.
Hair Transplants Only Work in Bald Areas of the Scalp! This statement is false. In fact, qualified hair restoration physicians transplant hair in between existing natural hair all the time with great success. This plan of action is often complemented by a non-surgical hair loss treatment regime. For example, using Propecia may help you keep the natural hair you have to minimize the need for subsequent procedures. Be sure to speak to your hair transplant surgeon about hair loss drug viability and how they may complement a hair transplant.
Read more about these and many other hair loss myths on the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, and our Hair Loss Q&A Blog.
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Technorati Tags: hair loss, hair transplant, bald, Hair Growth, transplanted hair, MSM, Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, balding, hair restoration, hair loss treatment, Propecia, hair transplant surgeon, hair loss drug