This question comes from a member of our Hair Loss Social Community and Discussion Forums:

Several years ago, I underwent a follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedure that, unfortunately, resulted in a significant “strip scar.” Now, I’d like to undergo hair transplant scar revision and I’m wondering what options are available?

In my opinion, hair transplant scar restoration (currently) breaks down into three categories:

1. Undergoing a scar revision procedure

During a scar revision procedure, the previous “strip scar” is excised in the same manner as strip removal during a follicular unit transplantation (FUT) procedure. After the scar is removed, a secure closure, likely a trichophytic closure, is utilized and the new wound, presumably, heals with less scarring. The most significant “down side” associated with this procedure is the potential for another unacceptable scar if the patient is prone to scarring. However, most talented hair restoration surgeons should be able to create a better closure and greatly improve upon the original scar.

2. Filling in the scar with grafts via follicular unit extraction (FUE)

During this procedure, grafts are extracted (via the follicular unit extraction process) and implanted directly into the scar. Although this procedure does not result in a second FUT scar, implanting grafts into scar tissue (which is generally thick and plagued by poor blood supply) can result in a lower yield and inability to fully camouflage the scar.

3. Camouflaging the scar with scalp micropigmentation (SMP)

Sometimes called “scalp tattooing,” scalp micropigmentation is a new procedure where a practitioner (either a physician or trained technician) mimics the appearance of shortly cropped hair via a specialized tattooing process. Frankly, many of the SMP scar results are impressive, and I think it’s worth investigating. In fact, Coalition hair restoration physician Dr. William Rassman helped reserach and perfect this procedure, and now offers SMP in his Los Angeles office.

Blake Bloxham – formerly “Future_HT_Doc”

Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum

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Bill - Seemiller

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  • I hada deep wound down to my skull (part of my skull was exposed). When sking grew back, it didn't grow follicles. I keep seeing info on hair transplant for balding people, but I am not balding. I have searched all over the internet, and can't find an answer to this question. Can hair follicles be implanted in a healed wound, or new skin with no follicles?

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