I have noticed that a number of doctors, including Dr. Jerry Wong and Dr. Victor Hasson, recommended by the Hair Transplant Network are not certified by the ABMS or ABPS, but rather the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS). Is this a credible institution and what is the value of ABHRS credentials? Is there a reason it is not a Member Board? Should I rule out hair transplant surgeons that are only certified by the ABHRS, or can I trust they are as skilled as an ABMS/ABPS certified doctor? Thank you!

Neither the ABMS nor the ABPS offer certifications specific to hair transplants. While some hair restoration surgeons do have a background in plastic surgery, many more do not. Thus, it has become necessary to develop alternative methods for evaluating hair transplant surgeons. The American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) is one organization that has attempted to do so and, while not perfect, we applaud any sincere attempts to demonstrates a physician’s dedication to ongoing education. However, it’s very important to note that this certification does not validate a surgeon’s ability to produce desirable results.

Should you rule out a physician that is “only” a member of the ABHRS? Certainly not, as there are really very few other institutions specific to the evaluation of hair restoration physicians and even fewer that attempt to do so with any degree of transparency. But, memberships such as these should not be the deciding factor when searching for a skilled and experienced surgeon. Some of the world’s leading hair loss doctors have chosen to undergo ABHRS certification while many others have opted out. Ultimately, we believe that the best method for evaluating a hair transplant physician is through the results themselves via patient-based communities like our own.

I suggest viewing the Hair Transplant Network’s criteria for recommending hair transplant surgeons and also the membership standards of the elite Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians. The physicians we recommend go through a painstaking pre-screening process specific to their results, technique, experience and skill in which the valuable feedback and opinions of patients weigh heavily. In this manner, physicians are held accountable to hair loss sufferers and the hair restoration community.

I hope this helps in your decision-making.


David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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David aka - TakingthePlunge

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