Let’s Give Kudos to Hair Transplant Physician’s Regularly Presenting Results on our Hair Loss Forum
In the past, prospective patients considering hair transplants had limited online information about clinics they were considering. But recently, we’ve been successful in getting almost all surgeons recommended on the Hair Transplant Network to present examples of their work on our forum. See “Recommended Clinics Required to Present their Patient Results on our Forum“.
What a great opportunity for prospective patients to see real results from a larger variety of hair restoration clinics they are considering. To see a number of patient examples from a number of leading clinics throughout the world, visit “Patient Results Posted by Leading Hair Transplant Clinics“.
You are encouraged to check this section regularly and give genuine feedback to the doctors regularly presenting examples of their work. Remember that your regular feedback of a surgeon’s results contributes to advancing the hair replacement industry and improving techniques.
Kudos to hair transplant surgeons recommended by this community for rising to the challenge by going public with their results.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher
Technorati Tags: hair transplants, hair restoration, hair replacement, hair transplant surgeons