When Can You Use Toppik After A Hair Transplant?

I’m scheduled to get a hair transplant in two weeks. I will be returning to the office next month. I want to use Toppik to avoid co-workers from noticing, but I don’t know when it’s safe to use. Can I use Toppik a month after my hair transplant?

Toppik Results

The first ten days are the most crucial days after your hair transplant. Grafts are secured after seven days, but your grafts won’t be secure until the tenth day if you have scabs. It would be best if you didn’t use any Toppik, DermMatch, Couvre, or other forms of hair loss concealers during this time. Now, there is a big misconception that you shouldn’t wear any concealers while you’re waiting for your results. The time frame is debatable.

Toppik After Hair Transplant Timeframe

For the first month, it’s probably best to leave your hair alone. Applying too many products can slow the healing process. The first month is all about healing. The longer it takes for you to heal, the longer it will take you to see growth. No time frame is set in stone for when you can begin to use hair loss concealers. A good rule of thumb is to wait until all of your grafts have been shed.

You can start using Toppik and other hair loss concealers safely by month two. By that time you should have no scabbing and your recipient should be fully healed. However, you should wash out the hair loss concealer each night. Keeping concealer in for too long can irritate the scalp and can clog pores. Clogged pores can lead to pimples, which is something you don’t want to deal with after a hair transplant.


Hair loss concealers can be extremely helpful when dealing with the ugly duckling phase. Concealers are amazing products that can get you through difficult times. Always check with your surgeon first before using any products. If you have any specific questions, you want to ask world-renowned hair transplant surgeons feel free to click here and submit virtual consultations.


Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network and The Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physician

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