How Long Does the “Ugly Duckling” Phase Last after a Hair Transplant?
Balding men and women get hair transplant surgery to restore their hair, not to look like an “ugly duckling”. But surgery is seldom pretty immediately after, and hair restoration is no exception.
Getting a hair transplant is quite different than most cosmetic surgeries. Once a woman heals from breast implant surgery, the result is clear. But men and women who get hair replacement must wait almost a full year until it matures and looks natural. But what does it look like in between? What can a patient expect? Why do some patients look worse before they look better? What role does “shock loss” play.
Interact and share your experiences with this forum member on our hair loss forum who is currently in the intermediate stage after hair transplant surgery and feels that he looks worse than before surgery.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network and the Hair Loss Learning Center
View my Hair Loss Weblog
Technorati Tags: Balding, hair transplant, hair restoration, hair replacement, shock loss