I have just done a follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) hair transplant almost two weeks ago. The surgery seems to be successful in almost every aspect. The only thing that is bothering me now is that I still feel tightness on the donor area.

My hair restoration physician told me he took a strip 7.5 cm long by 1.5 cm wide and got 1200 grafts. Is it considered to be a large area? I feel the tension force from the scar especially when I drive a car and try to turn my neck to clear the blind spot, or when I nod deeply.

My question is that if this discomfort permanent or will disappear shortly?

Good density in the hair transplant donor region is typically about 100 grafts/cm^2. Multiplying the length and width of your donor strip gives us a total area of 11.25cm^2. Dividing 1200 grafts by the the total area means that your donor strip yielded more than 106 grafts/cm^2.

According to Coalition hair restoration physician Dr. William Lindsey, the average width of a donor strip in his practice is between 1.6 and 1.7 cm or “about the width of a stick of gum”. The length will vary depending upon factors such as scalp laxity and target number of grafts.

For more details from Dr. Lindsey see the following article form our Hair Loss Q&A Blog, “What is the Average Width and Length of a Hair Transplant Donor Strip?

It’s normal for the scalp to feel tight after follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS). I don’t know who your surgeon was but, assuming that they planned appropriately for your scalp laxity, I’m sure your scalp will feel just fine in time but it may take several weeks.

In the meantime, you should not be hyperflexing your neck. In other words, don’t attempt to touch your chin to your chest or otherwise put strain on the wound. This may result in a stretched scar.

Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.

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David aka - TakingthePlunge

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