Is an Aggressive Hair Transplant Always Appropriate?
Most people suffering from hair loss have the same primary goal – to restore all of or as much of their hair as possible. However, the amount of baldness needing coverage varies from patient to patient. Given that the donor hair supply is limited, many hair transplant patients find themselves wanting more than surgical hair replacement can provide. This is why working with a qualified hair restoration physician to establish realistic and achievable goals is paramount.
But what is the best approach to hair restoration? Is the aggressive approach to cover the entire balding scalp with as much coverage and density as possible always the best approach? Or would a more conservative approach that targets a particular area of hair loss while reserving some donor hair for possible future work be more appropriate?
Whether or not full hair restoration is truly necessary for everyone is currently an exciting and active topic on our hair loss forum. We encourage you to join in the discussion by reading others and offering your own opinions.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher/Editor
Technorati Tags: hair loss, baldness, donor hair, hair transplant, hair replacement, hair restoration, balding, Bill Seemiller