Yes, while we breathe, it seems the FDA is up to dirty business. People say America is the land of the free, I think not. Companies, Wall street, etc. run America today.   They have much power and the pharmaceutical companies control the FDA.   It is not independent like it  once was.   They do not  have not your interests at heart, but profit is king, nothing else matters to these Godless peoples.   See below example of FDA protecting their profits

“Recently, the FDA sent out a wave of intimidating warning letters to nutritional supplement companies, threatening them with seizure of their products and criminal prosecutions if they dare mention H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) in conjunction with their anti-viral products. This censorship campaign is clearly an effort to wipe clean common knowledge about medicinal herbs from the minds of the People, forcing them to be dependent on vaccines, pharmaceuticals and conventional health “authorities” who already admit their vaccines won’t work for future mutations of influenza.”

This fascist-like corporate state is America today, but is out of sight of most.    I work with natural medcine and I feel this and pray to God that darkness does not win.

Though I need more information to draw any kind of real conclusion, I’m not actually not so sure I agree and I’ll tell you why.

Nutritional supplement companies are notorious for marketing their products as “all natural” alternatives to proven medications however, in many cases (such as in treating hair loss), there’s no proof of efficacy.   They are also not regulated like the FDA.

It sounds to me that the FDA is simply trying to protect themselves against unfair and unethical marketing campaigns that some nutritional companies may be promoting.

“Freedom of speech” protects the rights of the people to share genuine opinions and concerns about a particular topic. However, it was never meant to cover knowingly false and defammatory remarks. The law could potentially be clearer on  on this, but free speech must be combined with accountability.

Thus, if the FDA is being unfairly maligned by nutritional companies in order to increase sales, this is unethical and the FDA has every right to attempt to stop it and call for legal action.

Ultimately, the expression “the truth will set you free” should become the motto of those who want to continue to be protected under our first amendment right to free speech.     This is why in our hair restoration community; we make every effort to provide a fair and safe environment for hair loss patients and hair restoration physicians.   See “Maintaining a Fair and Safe Environment on our Forum for both Patients and Physicians” for how free speech must be combined with accountability.

Associate Publisher/Editor

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Bill successfully restored his hair with three hair transplantation procedures. He is now the Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant and the Hair Loss Learning

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