Is the Hair Loss Treatment Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) Safe for Patients with Scalp Psoriasis?
The following response to a question from a member of our Hair Loss Forum and Social Community, was written by forum member “hairthere” who is a scalp micropigmentation practitioner:
Just wondering if having scalp psoriasis would preclude somebody from having Scalp Micropigmentation? Also I use a tar based shampoo to control the psoriasis which contains Alcohol & Salicylic Acid which I believe hasten fading. Does anybody know what the suitable shampoos are for people that have undergone SMP? Ideally there could be one that would be good for the psoriasis without fading the SMP?
I’ve worked on clients with psoriasis and haven’t had any issues, but the patches are usually small and contained. I know if left untreated the patches can get quite large which could potentially pose issues for SMP.
We provide all clients with a specially formulated shampoo post treatment made by Beauty Medical along with a healing serum. The shampoo is designed to raise the level to its normal PH which is slightly acidic. Once the client finishes using the shampoo provided they can return to using their normal shampoo. If you want an alcohol-free psoriasis shampoo I believe Neutrogena makes one called T-Gel.
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Technorati Tags: Hair Loss, Scalp Micropigmentation, SMP