Knowing You’re Getting the Hair Transplant You Paid For!
This might be a strange question. But how can patients tell if they’ve really gotten the number of grafts they paid for during their hair transplant? Is there a way to check and know for sure?
Actually, it’s not strange at all. Frankly, getting this question answered is very important and downright critical prior to scheduling a procedure. Unfortunately, there have been patient reported concerns of receiving fewer transplants than they’ve paid for. And in looking at some of their surgical photos, I was inclined to agree. The good news is, there is something you can do to ensure you get the hair transplant that you paid for.
Coalition member Dr. William Rassman of California just recently addressed this topic on his Balding Blog and I thought he had a plausible suggestion to ensure patients don’t get scammed. To read his article, visit Unethical Graft Counting – Avoid the Scam.
The first and most important step is to find and schedule a hair replacement procedure with a highly reputable prescreened hair restoration physician with a proven track record of producing excellent results. To see a list of surgeons we recommend, click here. To view our high standards for recommendation, click here. A reputable surgeon dedicated to patient care and ethics also shouldn’t mind Dr. Rassman’s suggestion below.
Learn about graft auditing and how it’s done. Then find a friend or family member who can audit your physician’s graft counting process. The graft auditor should learn and become familiar with what to look for prior to attempting to audit your procedure. However, it’s certainly one sure way of knowing that you’ve gotten what you paid for.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher/Editor
Technorati Tags: hair transplant, Balding, hair replacement, hair restoration