If you undergo an FUE hair transplant procedure before FUT strip, is your total availability of grafts decreased? For example, if I had 6,000 grafts available via strip, and I undergo a 2,000 graft FUE surgery, would I still have the 4,000 left (via strip or FUE) if necessary?
Personally, if you’re going for maximum hair growth yield, I think it’s better to max out via follicular unit transplantation (FUT) via strip surgery followed by follicular unit extraction (FUE) if necessary. However, there are varying arguments on this.
Those who advocate strip first then FUE argue the following:
Those who advocate FUE first then strip would argue the following:
Ultimately, those who want to avoid a linear scar like the plague should consider FUE. However, understand that FUE is not “scar free” and produces a different kind of scarring. Also, consider caring and ethical hair transplant surgeons who are realistic about what can be achieved with FUE rather than those who overhype its benefits while downplaying its limitations and risks.
I hope this helps.
Bill Seemiller
Managing Publisher
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Technorati Tags: FUE, FUT, hair growth, FUT, Follicular unit transplantation, strip surgery, hair loss, hair restoration, follicular unit extraction, Bill Seemiller
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