What is the cause of male and female pattern hair loss?   How does hair shedding play a role?

This insightful hair loss article was written by hair restoration forum  member “HLBD”.   Below he shares with us a piece of what he has learned in researching real hair restoration solutions for his hair loss  condition.  

Hair Loss Myth: Hair Shedding is the Cause of Hair Loss

Hair Shedding is actually a natural process and is more indicative of hair growth than hair loss, which is why increased shedding may occur when beginning an effective hair loss treatment such as Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). Shedding occurs when one hair is shed from the hair follicle so that another, healthier and newer hair might take its place. Learn more about the natural hair growth cycle.

More hair is shed in balding areas for those with male pattern baldness. The hair growth phases are out-of-wack in these parts of the scalp and, as such, the hair growth periods become shorter, the resting phases longer and the hair grows shorter and finer until the follicle is unable to support a full, healthy hair.

Whatever you do, don’t start counting hairs in the tub or the sink. It’ll drive you mad. Besides it’s near impossible to determine what hairs were shed for what reason. That being said, you can go (loosely) by these guidelines: hairs shed naturally will tend to be quite long (long as the rest of the hair around them), dark and as thick (or nearly so) as the thickest hairs on your scalp. If you loose a hair as the natural part of the hair growth cycle, you can be pretty sure that they will simply grow back strong and dark as ever, especially if you are currently on an effective hair loss treatment. Those hairs that are short, fine and (for some) come to a fine, colorless point; those hairs are most likely undergoing hair miniaturization and, without and effective hair loss drug, will one day stop growing completely.

If however, any of this hair shedding is painful, there is a good chance it is not normal. You should see a dermatologist or hair restoration physician.  They will take this problem seriously and not simply write it off as male pattern hair loss. Shedding with hereditary hair loss  is the same sensation as in someone not experiencing male or female pattern hair loss; it should not be routinely painful. A good dermatologist or hair restoration  specialist  will be able to tell you whether or not this hair shedding is a part of the balding process or something entirely different. He or she may suggest a different way of washing or styling your  hair to avoid this hair loss.


Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network and the Hair Loss Learning Center
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Bill successfully restored his hair with three hair transplantation procedures. He is now the Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network.com and the Hair Loss Learning Center.org

View Comments

  • Aisha,

    At your age, I think the best course of action would be to consult with a personal physician or hair loss expert (http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/hair-loss-doctors.asp).

    It sounds like you're a female hair loss sufferer, and if this is the case, Rogaine makes a line of safe, proven medication for female patients and this would likely be the best treatment for your situation (https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/product/49/Rogaine-for-Women-1-Month-Supply/).

    However, because of your age and the fact that you seem to associate the highly accelerated hair loss with straightening your hair, it's likely that any loss is being caused by something other than genetic balding, and, again, this should be evaluated by a physician.

    I hope this helps!

    Blake (Future_HT_Doc)
    Editorial Assistant

  • I am suffering hair loss from the past 2 months..I had very thick and long hair before I started straightening my hair.I used to straighten them on daily basis for the past 3 years.Now I have lost 75% of my hair already.I am worried because I am only 18 years of age.Will my hair grow back? What medications do i require if there is a possibility of them growing back.Please let me know because m desperate to get them back.

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