New Surgical Instrument Revolutionizes FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)?
A new surgical tool designed to make the follicular unit extraction (FUE) surgical hair restoration procedure easier and more effective has been recently released publicly by Coalition member Dr. Alan Feller.
The development of this new motorized FUE tool was designed to reduce the extra forces on the hair follicles such as torsion, traction, compression, overheating, and desiccation. It also helps to create more viable and better quality grafts more quickly.
Its design in follicular unit extraction is to reduce damage to the follicles due to torsion by oscillating instead of spinning. Once the surgeon is finished using the motorized tool to score the skin around the graft, the grafts are delivered with minimal traction by a technique known as “perforation”. Because the tool is motorized, most of the stress and strain associated with manual FUE is removed, thus seemingly making the process easier and more efficient than traditional FUE.
Coalition member Dr. Ron Shapiro reported that he’s been using this tool for a few months in his practice and believes it helps makes extracting follicles easier and less fatiguing.
Recently, Dr. Feller started the hair loss forum topic A New Surgical Instrument for FUE Procedures to garner input from patients and other hair transplant surgeons. Visit the above topic to view the input of hair restoration patients and leading surgeons such as Dr. Mohmand, Dr. Nakatsui, and Dr. Devroye who had some personal experience with this surgical tool. View also a video demonstration of how this FUE tool is used.
Though state of the art tools can assist in making the hair transplant procedure safer and more effective, ultimately, nothing replaces the experience and skill of a dedicated hair restoration physician who can adapt as needed based on patient characteristics and circumstances.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher/Editor
Technorati Tags: hair restoration, FUE, follicular unit extraction, hair loss, hair transplant, hair restoration physician