2 Months After a Hair Transplant and Still No Growth?
Hi. I am 2 months out from a hair transplant and still don’t see any growth. Did I waste my money?
The fact that you are experiencing no hair growth at month two is perfectly normal. As much as we’d like to see immediate hair growth from hair transplantation surgery, it doesn’t work that way.
Hairs are transplanted into the recipient areas (balding areas) on the day of hair restoration surgery. Between two and four weeks, the transplanted hairs will shed. There is no exact understanding as to why they all shed however, it is speculated that it is due to trauma of the initial surgery. These hairs shed and go into a resting period known as the telogen phase of the hair growth cycle.
Month one to three are typically referred to as the doldrums because there is no visual activity during this time except for the possibility of pimples in the recipient area which is a sign of growth to come.
Additionally, month one to five can be relatively depressing in general as there is no to little hair growth activity during this time. I include month three to five in this category because month three is often seen as the “expected” start date of new visual growth. Unfortunately I think many hair transplant patients believe they will see their final result at this time and it simply isn’t true. It is extremely important to take heart and have patience during this time because it takes up to 12-18 months to see the final result.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher
Technorati Tags: hair transplant, hair growth, hair transplantation, balding, hair restoration, transplanted hair, telogen phase, hair transplant patient
January 28, 2018 @ 11:38 am
Transplanted hair only grows the first year and then it’s considered the final result. It could grow a little more up to 18 nmonths but you shouldn’t expect any more growth at 2 years. If you are dissatisfied, we recommend contacting your doctor and sharing your concerns.
You are also welcome to share your experience and photos on our free hair loss forum. However, please be aware that patients who share concerns must be willing to share their full experience, pictures and let their doctor share their side of the story.
Best wishes,
January 21, 2018 @ 9:38 am
Sir..my transplant had been done two years back by Dr.batra. initially it showed growth but now transplanted hair are not growing and even existing hair has been fallen. That Dr.batra has been closed their clinic and customer care also not responding. I am too much frustrated because my condition has been worse than before.kindly tell me what should I do?
March 29, 2013 @ 5:35 am
It sounds as if you have just reached the three month mark. Up to this point, you should not have seen much in the way of hair growth. You have only just entered the early growth phase.
I cannot say if you damaged your grafts or not. Only time will truly tell but I do recommend that you discuss your concerns with your hair transplant surgeon.
Ultimately, you will not know what your final results will be for one full year. Try to stay positive. In the event your results do not meet your expectations, discuss your options with your surgeon.
Best of luck!
March 28, 2013 @ 5:45 am
after my transplant i got apendex 4 days later and got intestine punctured as well i washed hair a few time not regularly i was in swear condition i dnt know while on bed i was rubing my hairs after two months and i was removing the blood and things stick on hed and with that my hairs also removed now 3 months very low growth want to know my hair will grow or they are damaged plz reply
September 28, 2012 @ 8:11 pm
I am 10 weeks into my hair transplant and it is the most depressing time of my life. My transplanted hairs are now shedding along with a lot of my existing hairs. I spoke to my doctor and he said its ok and and that I should just be patient. I have much less hair now than when I first started out. I am also worried that worrying will further affect my hair loss.
April 18, 2012 @ 2:05 am
The pinkish hue in the hair transplant recipient area can last for a few weeks to a few months. This is influenced by factors like the skin color and healing characteristics of the individual patient.
Most of the time, this can be easily camouflaged by growing the hair a little longer. You can also use hair loss concealers like Toppik or DermMatch to help disguise the discoloration.
April 14, 2012 @ 2:30 pm
Would anyone please tell me how long it will take for the red triangular forehead area of the surgury to take on the normal color of the skin?
April 11, 2010 @ 10:54 pm
I’m not sure I’m understanding your question. Are you concerned that your transplanted hair is growing in more slowly than your natural hair 2 years after surgery? I can’t say I’ve noticed a difference in growth speed between my natural and transplanted hair however, as long as it’s growing and looks natural, I doubt there’s anything wrong. If you are concerned however, you may want to speak to your hair transplant surgeon.
Best wishes,
Bill Seemiller
Managing Publisher of this Community
April 11, 2010 @ 2:52 am
Its been 2 yrs from the day i am over with my hair transplant procedure. Shedding didn’t take place…. infact these hairs starts growing in slown rate as compared to normal hairs…
Is it normal
September 8, 2009 @ 12:51 pm
Two months after hair transplant surgery, you shouldn’t have any swelling on the face and head. If you’re experiencing this, be sure to consult with your hair restoration physicians asap.
Best wishes,
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network, Hair Loss Learning Center, Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and Hair Restoration Forum
September 6, 2009 @ 8:11 am
swelling on face and whole head after two months physican say your skin is very sensative thanks ashfaq