Our popular hair loss forum community is made up of thousands of balding men and women searching for real hair restoration solutions and dozens of prescreened expert hair loss doctors. See how we prescreen hair restoration physicians. Many of these physicians regularly contribute their expert opinions and advice on important issues related to hair restoration.
Below, we’ve compiled some of the most recent and vital input we’ve received from leading physician member of our community and presented them below for your benefit.
Are Hair Transplant Megasessions Safe? Learn why Coalition member Dr. Glenn Charles feels hair transplant megasessions are appropriate for some, but not all patients.
Hair Transplant Graft Survival and High Hair Densities: Discover why Coalition member Dr. Brad Limmer believes a 2 pass approach is often appropriate to help patients achieve the density they want.
Determining How Many Grafts are Required by Measuring Baldness: Learn how Coalition member Dr. Paul Shapiro determines the number of grafts needed to help patients achieve the coverage and density they want.
Bill Seemiller
Managing Publisher
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Technorati Tags: balding, hair restoration, hair loss doctors, hair transplant, Bill Seemiller
I'm at thirty-one year old man with a Norwood 6 level of hair loss. I…
I'm a 31 year old male I have been losing hair for the past six…
I'm concerned that i'm going bald. My dad is 54 years old, and still has…
I'm a 30-year old male with a Norwood 4 hair loss pattern. I have been…
I'm twenty years old and already have aggressive hair loss. I'm imbetween a Norwood 5…
I'm interested in getting a hair transplant later this year, but I am a very…