Restoring Female Eyebrows with Hair Transplant Surgery
Whether caused by genetics, years of over “plucking,” or natural thinning with aging, many women believe their eyebrows too sparse, and seek ways to make them appear thicker, darker, and more shapely. Though most women simply use makeup or eyeliner pencils to achieve this task, some grow tired of repeating this routine each day and seek a more permanent solution like eyebrow transplant surgery.
During eyebrow transplant surgery, or eyebrow restoration via hair transplant surgery, hair is extracted from different areas in the body (usually the scalp) and artistically implanted in the eyebrow region. Though this sounds fairly basic, Coalition hair restoration surgeon and eyebrow transplant specialist Dr. Raymond Konior believes natural eyebrow restoration is a difficult task, and should only be attempted by an experience, trained physician.
According to Dr. Konior:
Female brow restoration is a very difficult proposition as there is little margin for error with respect to producing a natural outcome. Graft selection and placement are critical to offset the vagaries of healing that can taint the final appearance. I usually utilize a very small strip harvest from the safe donor zone in the back of the scalp that seems to have the best hair shaft characteristics for matching the existing eyebrow hair. As you might expect, many patients continue to use brow pencils to complement their overall facial make-up regimen. However, the added hairs provide volume and texture to compliment the aesthetic enhancement of make-up.
Attempting too high a density in brows increases the risk of shock loss in the residual brow hairs. Additionally, the brow design for many cases is complicated by slight brow asymmetry. Sometimes, one brow sits lower than the other, and many have some level of natural asymmetry in the brows themselves. This all needs to be taken into account when restoring a natural appearance. Sometimes, this can lead to needing about 90 minutes to decide on an eyebrow placement level that seems to work best for all situations, i.e. resting, involuntary expression and voluntary motion. In the end, the most important aspect is finding a “look” that suits the patient well.
While eyebrow restoration is complex, in the right hands, it can restore a natural appearance and truly transform a hair loss sufferer’s self image.
Blake – aka Future_HT_Doc
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning
Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum
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