With proper preparation for future hair loss, men and women with minimal thinning hair can often achieve high levels of both fullness and hair density in a single hair transplant procedure. However, those with extensive baldness are often left dreaming of the long lustrous locks they wore proudly during their high school days.
But there is hope for those who are bald. Though there is a limited donor hair supply in all patients, many leading hair restoration physicians can help bald patients re-create a natural looking mature hairline and a portion of the hair on top of their head.
On this hair loss discussion forum thread, members discuss what can realistically be accomplished in patients with extensive baldness and whether or not it will satisfy them. You are encouraged to share your experience and offer your input on this thread.
Bill Seemiller
Associate Publisher/Editor
Technorati Tags: hair loss, thinning hair, hair density, hair transplant, baldness, bald, hair restoration
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