Every now and then, an exceptionally inspirational tale emerges that truly demonstrates the impact that hair transplants can have in the lives of those affected by hair loss. The story of teenaged twins Alex and Austin Ford is one of these.

Recently, Coalition hair transplant surgeon Dr. Glenn Charles volunteered his services in order to perform a revolutionary hair restoration procedure on 19 year old cancer survivor Alex Ford, who lost much of his hair after a successful battle with brain cancer. Dr. Charles even worked to secure financial aid through the ISHRS Operation Restore Program which helped to cover travel, food and lodging expenses for the twins and their family. 

While there’s nothing particularly revolutionary about performing hair transplants on teens or cancer survivors, this procedure comes with a twist. The donor hair used in Alex’s hair transplant was harvested from his twin brother Austin. Only identical twins can share grafted hair follicles due to their genetic similarity. Transplanted hair from any other individual would  be rejected by the body as a foreign object or require the use of the same harmful anti-rejection drugs required for any organ transplant.

Dr. Charles performed this patient’s hair transplant procedure using the new and highly discussed robotic assisted ARTAS Hair Restoration System. The ARTAS System has been described as a “physician-controlled, state-of-the-art, interactive, computer-assisted system that enables harvesting of hair follicles during hair restoration procedures”.

To learn more about Dr. Charles, Alex and Austin Ford and the ARTAS System, you are encouraged to join the discussion, Dr. Glenn M. Charles – Twins – Alex and Austin Ford. You can also leave your comments and words of support on Alex’s Hair Restoration Website.


David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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Technorati Tags: , hair loss, , Dr. Glenn Charles, , , , , ARTAS Hair Restoration System,

David aka - TakingthePlunge

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