From May 24th through May 26th, 2013 the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) is hosting the second annual Mediterranean Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Workshop in Madrid, Spain. The workshop consists of a series of lectures about important topics in Follicular Unit Extraction, FUE question and answer sessions, FUE discussions and debates, and a series of live Follicular Unit Extraction operations.

Because we recommend a number of FUE innovators and experts, several of our recommended and Coalition hair transplant surgeons are participating in the FUE workshop. According to the official program, our hair restoration physicians are participating in the following activities:

During the first day of the workshop, Dr. Jean Devroye, Dr. James Harris, and Dr. Bijan Feriduni are participating in a debate about the anatomy of FUE grafts. Dr. James Harris is also lecturing about motorized FUE procedures and performing a live, 1,000 graft FUE case on the first day of the conference (and hosting a “Q&A” session after the procedure). On the second day of the workshop, Dr. Devroye is presenting a lecture about motorized FUE and Dr. Feriduni is lecturing about manual Follicular Unit Extraction procedures; both physicians are also performing live, 1,000 graft FUE operations at the end of the day. On the third and final day of the workshop, Dr. James Harris is giving a presentation on automated FUE procedures and the ARTAS Hair Restoration System for automating FUE hair transplant surgery.

Please join me in congratulating these physicians for their contributions to the Follicular Unit Extraction technique, and “stay tuned” for updates from the conference.

Blake – aka Future_HT_Doc

Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning

Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum

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Bill - Seemiller

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