Should I Get a Loan to Pay for My Hair Transplant?
This question, asked by a member of our hair loss social community and discussion forums, was answered by “Garageland” – a clinic representative for Coalition hair transplant surgeons Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong.
I’ve been taking Propecia (finasteride) and 10% minoxidil for 10 months now and results have been mixed. I experienced some significant shredding during the initial stages but it did stop and my receding hairline hasn’t moved since. So I think I can safely say the medication has halted the receding process. I don’t think I have experienced much new hair growth although there might be a small area of the headline where the hair appears to be thicker. I use Toppik hair loss concealer to cover my receding hairline. I believe I am at II on the Norwood Scale.
I am seriously thinking about getting a follicular unit extraction hair transplant because I want to have my hair short at the back and sides and long (lengthy) at the top. However, I don’t have the money for it at the moment so I was thinking about getting a loan. I have had a loan before and repaid it so I know I can do this.
The hair restoration clinic I received my consultation from has appeared in the media and has performed hair transplants on many celebs. I still don’t know if that particular clinic is right for me. As I am taking out a loan, I have to be sure the clinic and procedure is right for me.
Anyone have any thoughts which could help me come to a decision?
If you do decide to do something small like 1300 grafts, just make sure it is appropriate for when you get older and make sure you have enough donor grafts to address further balding in the future. You should consult several clinics for advice before making any decision. Donor hair is not in endless supply and anyone at your age should proceed with caution as it will unlikely be your only surgery.
As for getting a loan, I did take out a loan to pay for my first repair. I too was desperate but for different reasons. I thought I looked abnormal and I did so I needed to do something about it and for me it was the right decision. If you can comfortably afford the repayments and it is not going to put too much of a stretch on your finances then consider it but again, make sure you know the bottom line of how much you will pay in total.
I wouldn’t be in a hurry at this stage to jump in. You should fully understand your potential hair loss pattern and your donor before making any commitment.
UK consultant for Hasson & Wong
David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q & A Blog.
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Technorati Tags: Propecia, finasteride, minoxidil, hair growth, Toppik, hair loss, follicular unit extraction, hair transplant, hair restoration, hair transplants, balding