Starting a New Medication After Hair Transplant Surgery?
This question comes from a member of our hair loss social community and discussion forums:
Several years ago, I suffered from an unrelated medical issue. A physician prescribed a medication and the pills essentially fixed the problem. However, I’m beginning to experience symptoms again and wanted to restart some left-over medication. But, I just underwent hair transplant surgery several days ago and I’m concerned restarting the medication could affect the results. What should I do?
First, speak with the physician who originally prescribed the medication. Ask him – or her – whether or not you should restart the medications, and if an appointment, exam, or further testing is required first.
Next, speak with your hair transplant surgeon. Explain the situation and ask whether or not the medications could affect the newly implanted grafts. Make sure both physicians understand the importance of your prior medical condition and your new hair transplant. Follow the advice of both doctors closely. If possible, ask if the two doctors could speak directly and create a treatment plan together.
Questions about medications should always be answered by trained physicians.
Blake Bloxham – formerly “Future_HT_Doc”
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning
Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum
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