[singlepic=76,480,360,,right]Over ten years ago  Pat  Hennessey, publisher of the Hair Transplant Network  shared his before and after hair transplant photos online and began helping hair loss sufferers find their way to the best surgeons available. In time, Pat was joined by thousands of hair loss  sufferers who generously shared their experiences and advice on our hair restoration forum  community.

Together we revolutionized how patients find and research the very best hair restoration treatments and physicians. We have also held physicians accountable for their work and required them to meet the highest standards of care to win our support and business.

The revolutionary idea of patients critiquing physicians and their work publicly was resisted by many physicians in the early days. Some still resist and even sue this community when they are criticized. But we have held our ground and continue to thrive.

The true leaders in hair restoration surgery have come to realize that an open and honest patient based forum community is their best friend. It enables them to cultivate educated patients not based on expensive marketing hype but based on real patient feedback and online word of mouth.

Over the years the cream has risen to the top and are recommended on the Hair Transplant Network. These physicians know that their recommendation requires them to stay at the top of their game because their patients may be posting their experience within hours of their surgery.

This hair loss community over the past ten years has helped thousands of patients achieve optimal results and enabled the leading hair restoration clinics to dramatically lower their marketing overhead and prices. It has also given the hair restoration profession a powerful and compelling incentive to do the best work possible.

None of this would have been possible without the members of our hair loss forum community. You have been the driving force in the hair transplant patient advocacy movement. It is you, in collaboration with the true leading physicians, who have revolutionized the hair transplant profession.

It’s virtually impossible to truly thank you enough. But I know that the “true believers” of this community know that helping their fellow hair loss comrades is the greatest reward and thanks possible.

We have come a long way together and we have much to celebrate. Pat and Bill  want to invite the active members of this forum community to be our guests for dinner and drinks at our tenth anniversary party in Montreal, Canada on Thursday evening, September 4th.

Montreal is the location for this year’s annual five day meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS). Since the majority of our recommended physicians will be attending this big meeting, we chose to have the party in Montreal during the time.

This will be a great opportunity for members of this community to meet dozens of the world’s leading hair transplant surgeons in person and over drinks. We would also appreciate your help in encouraging all our recommended physicians to post their results on this forum on a monthly basis.

Please feel free to reply  on this thread  to RSVP. Bill will then provide you with additional details about the party.

We look forward to meeting some of you in person over dinner and cocktails. With your help the next ten years will be the best ever for patients and those hair restoration clinics who provide the very best results.

Onwards and Upwards,

The Publishers of the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog

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Bill successfully restored his hair with three hair transplantation procedures. He is now the Associate Publisher of the Hair Transplant Network.com and the Hair Loss Learning Center.org

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