The Hair Transplant Network Recommends Dr. Tom Rosanelli of San Francisco, CA
The experience and skill of hair transplant surgeons vary, as do their results. That’s why only surgeons with a proven record of producing quality results are recommended on the Hair Transplant Network.
Recently, we invited our hair loss forum community to offer their input on the potential recommendation of Dr. Tom Rosanelli of San Francisco, CA. Learn how our community recommends hair transplant surgeons.
Dr. Rosanelli has been performing exclusive hair transplant surgery for over 20 years and has the staff and experience to perform regular sessions up to 3000 follicular unit grafts when appropriate for the patient. Our Publisher Pat Hennessey has also visited with and observed Dr. Rosanelli in live surgery. Pat was very impressed with his dedication to high quality follicular unit hair transplantation and how he and his dedicated staff work harmoniously together. To see the highlights of Pat’s visit, view “Visit to Dr. Tom Rosanelli’s Clinic in CA“.
After extensive research and seeking input from his patients and physician peers, we are pleased to welcome Dr. Rosanelli as our new recommended hair restoration surgeon. Be sure to congratulate and welcome him to our community by visiting the “Potential Recommendation of Dr. Rosanelli of San Francisco, CA“.
If you are considering hair transplant surgery, especially those local to San Francisco, we encourage you to consult with Dr. Rosanelli. See his physician profile including his contact information by clicking here.
Onwards and Upwards,
Patrick Hennessey and Bill Seemiller – Publishers of the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog
Technorati Tags: hair transplant surgeons, Dr. Tom Rosanelli, San Francisco, CA, hair transplant, follicular unit grafts, follicular unit hair transplantation, hair restoration