1. Oliver
    December 29, 2023 @ 2:27 am

    I used damp cloth with salt to abrade skin to remove a tattoo on left upper bicep years ago. Had no hairs prior. That bicep has dark/thick hairs growing from the site post healing. Other never abraded bicep still has no easily visible hairs.

  2. Chris
    September 16, 2021 @ 10:05 pm

    For the science of it.

    I had a motorcycle injury at 23 and compound fractured my tib/fib and was able to keep my leg. I ceased running for 25 years because of some problems with a broken pin in the rod. For the last 15 years I’ve been steadily putting on weight and for the last 6 years or so a good 25% of my shin near the incision is iron stained bruised, permanently. The area does not heal well and injures easily. The skin is fused to the bone near the break point, like if I push the calf area, it all moves up to that point and the skin bunches at that spot. Like grab your wrist and lightly twist, the skin moves. On my shin, that spot is immobile. So, I was told by my Doctor that I need to get moving as he prescribed some blood pressure medication for me. That was my wake up call.

    So, I’m late 40’s and have been running on a treadmill a few days a week for the last few months. I’m losing some weight and feeling better. The bruising is still there, but in the last week or 2, I’ve been noticing hair growing, not crazy, but men’s leg hair type growth, right on most, if not all of the bruising. I do not have hairy legs at all for a guy, barely at all, but here it is, in a large patch, over what is generally a hairless part of my shin. My non-injured shin has no hair in that location and I’ve never had hair their prior. I mentioned the running because I think that running 3 miles as few days a week and losing some lbs. may be helping circulation in my legs and that maybe better blow flow is helping. Just wanted to add my two cents when I came across this article while googling to find out why new hair would be growing on my bruising.

  3. Cristina
    June 11, 2018 @ 10:20 am

    I just had knee replacement surgery 6 weeks ago and have a 9inch scar on my knee into my thigh. There are very dark hairs growing rapidly alongside the scar. My other leg, in comparison has nothing, maybe a couple fine blonde hairs here and there.

  4. Eddie
    April 5, 2018 @ 3:23 pm

    Funny. I had something similar after a major back surgery . I had a bit of hair fuzz growing at my lower back that they shaved for surgery. It was narrow band across the whole back and pretty short. It’s seven months post surgery and I have long straight hairs growing just out of the incision site. Probably 2 inches long along the 4 inch incision. . The rest of my back is pretty bare. They glued the top of the incision in case that could have something to do with it.

  5. Gary
    January 29, 2017 @ 12:23 am

    Had the same thing happen to me. Badly scrapped both knees a few months ago and now the scars have thick hair in and around them. I’ve been bald since my early 20’s but I don’t have it in my scrape my head to find out if it would be the miracle cure!

  6. Nina
    July 1, 2016 @ 2:38 am

    Hi all,
    Im am an asian woman and never have to shave my legs. They are just hairless naturally. I survive a terrible bus accident without a scratch. However, out from the only bruise as big as the tip of a pinky on my right leg, a thick and stubborn strand hair grew. No matter how many times I remove it with a tweezer, it keeps coming back. I should just ignore it but it really bothers me so much. Is it abnormal that hair comes out of a bruise?



  7. Pat
    May 20, 2016 @ 10:24 am

    I had a knee replacement and noticed an area near the incision that had suddenly grown a thick patch of hair. I have had very little hair growth on my legs for many years. It continued to grow fast and thick for several months. It is now pretty much back to normal. This seems to reinforce the wound healing theory and hair growth.

  8. Tom
    March 19, 2015 @ 7:21 pm

    I just recently experienced a muscle contusion and hematoma on my left leg about 11 days ago. My legs have only microscopic hair, but since 4 days ago when I started a 7 day regimen of levofloxacin to treat the cellulitis that accompanied the hematoma, a few very long, fine hairs started to rapidly grow near the apparent center of the hematoma.

  9. Brian
    November 21, 2014 @ 11:26 am

    Just had an injury to my left arm 3 months ago and just realized the same phenomenon of sudden new growth surrounding the injury but not on the scar itself. I’m concerned since it’s a thick dark patch of hair on and around my elbow that does not coincide with the minimal thin blonde hair on my arms. Is there any way to make this stop? I did lose partial feeling in and around this area. Not sure if getting and being treated for staff infection to the injury had anything to do with it or the cocktail of meds I was given as result.

  10. David aka - TakingthePlunge
    October 22, 2014 @ 2:31 am


    That’s very interesting. The last update that I’m aware of was published in June of 2013. Of course, even if the research in this field is continuing, it will likely be many years before a treatment is available to the public.

    Anyone interested in treating hair loss today should consider the currently available, clinically proven and FDA approved medical treatments Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil).


  11. Kevin
    October 16, 2014 @ 10:38 am

    I have been thinning on top since college. I am now 34 years old and have a sizable bald spot on the crown of my head and the front is getting very thin. I recently scraped my head getting in a tractor and as the wound healed, I noticed hair growing from the wound. It is very thick and growing very fast. It prompted me to browse the internet for similar instances and I found this article. I would be interested to know if there have been any new advances in this work. My wife wishes I had scraped my whole head.

  12. ray
    October 22, 2013 @ 5:49 pm

    This article sounds like its going to take another 50 years to come up with a solution. Even if there was cure by now they wouldn’t let it be out of all those hair transplant and hair product companies will go out of business which they make millions of dollars every year and that way FDA will lose money too.
    Unfortunately the ones that have hair don’t care about those going bald and those companies knowing people going bald is the least thing they care about.

  13. janet s. porges
    April 25, 2013 @ 8:42 am

    FYI: I had a bike accident in February resulting in a 6″ hematoma on the shin, the contents of which were evacuated two weeks later using a liposuction cannula. This incision was the only breach of the skin itself. There is superficial nerve damage (loss of touch sensation) and a small area immediately over the shin which lost blood supply and appears discolored – due to necrosis?
    Since menopause I have had no visible hair on my legs. I was more than surprised to find large hair growth (as in my fecund days!) around only the site of the hematoma itself. I wondered if this phenomena was due to the processes described in your website.
    In any event, I didn’t know if this would be of interest to your studies.

  14. Gary Hitzig MD
    October 26, 2011 @ 12:29 pm

    This same idea is what we have been incorporating with the use of ACell during hair transplant procedures. ACell (Matristem) attracts Adult Stem Cells to the site of injury (in this case Hair Transplantation) and converts them into active progenitor cells which is what becomes missing during hair miniatuization. It also sets up a non crosslinked temporary scaffolding for the tissue reconstruction mimicking the surrounding healthy but damaged tissue. This scaffolding contains and slowly releases growth factors (VEGF etc.). The Acell also contains an abundance of necessary materials for remodeling including Collagen IV.
    This process has resulted in increased hair counts in the grafts in the recipient area (increased hair density) plus remarkable healing in the donor area.
    Using a biphasic ECM I believe is paramount to achieving these results which will be published in the next two months.

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